Loading Reference Data
Within Modern tools for housing we have a reference data API that stores data to Elastic Search. The data is synced from the google sheet to Elasticsearch.
How to update the data:
Note that a new temporary index will be created with the new reference data and will replace the existent one. Therefore, if you remove a value from the spreadsheet or a tab from the list of tabs in the variable “__REFERENCE_DATA_SOURCE” in the code and run the script, this will result in that data to disappear from reference data.
In order to update the data that we have within the database you would simply update the following spreadsheet and then follow these steps:
Install python (3.8)
Clone the following repoin your local machine
Navigate to the repo’s folder “lbh-mtfh-dummy-data-gen”
Copy the google’s secret file, that allows to query google docs’ APIs, into the root folder (“lbh-mtfh-dummy-data-gen”) (follow this guide) -This file is created from GCP console
The user of the following file needs a read access to the data lists spreadsheets If a new project has been created add the service account email to the spreadsheet with edit access:
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command:
python reference_data.py
Open a tunnel connection the aws account’s private network using the jumpbox:
- Set the correct permissions for the pem file:
chmod 600 dev_jump.pem
- Copy/Paste your AWS credentials environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN) for the account from: https://d-936715b9ec.awsapps.com/start#/
- Run the following command on you command line
aws ssm start-session --target i-[instance id] --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --parameters "localPortNumber=2222,portNumber=22"
- Pem key can be found in Housing-Development parameter store platform-apis-jump-box-pem-key save it locally
- In a new terminal, open tunnel with elasticsearch:
ssh -i dev_jump.pem -p 2222 ec2-user@ -N -L 9200:[ES Cluster domain URL]:443
- Run the python script:
python reference_data.py
- Set the correct permissions for the pem file:
Adding new data list to the reference data
NB: If new values need to be added to an existing list, check that the range still covers the whole list of values.
To add a new reference list to ElasticSearch/reference-data service, follow these steps:
- Add a new tab to the spreadsheet
- Add your values while following the same structure as the other tabs:
- In the script code “reference_data.py”, add your list to the list/variable “__REFERENCE_DATA_SOURCE” with the range that covers your values (something like: TAB_NAME!A1:G10)
- Run the steps from above for dev, staging and production.