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Accounts API


To identify all information to be captured with regards to the Accounts domain. As part of our solution we are proposing to develop an Account entity and API that will serve accounts related data for our housing streams and any other projects that may require information relating to an account. This means that we can offer a deeper, more citizen-centric self-service capability, enabling even more service transactions to be carried out online. For the purposes of establishing context, the definition of an account as it relates to this entity is a record of a financial basis that links a user to a service.


  • Accounts - Account information relating to a person or organisation. This could be for a person’s rent account, benefit account or any other account a person (or organisation) may hold with the council.
  • Accounts in arrears - Accounts in arrears categorised by account types (service charges, major works, secure tenancies, non-secure tenancies)


A single, centralized data source, holding all account data, updated by multiple services. A reusable microservice API used for managing account related data. Avoidance of any duplication of data, a normalised view of an account. Reducing development costs across all streams. A decoupled architecture that allows this entity to be reused across multiple services.

User Needs

  • As a service user I would like to see what accounts I have for the various services I subscribe to with the council so that I can have a clear view of what my financial status is with regards to the council.
  • As a service user I would like to see what my account balance is with each service that I subscribe to so that I can see what financial commitments I have.
  • As a caseworker I would like to be able to quickly identify accounts that are in arrears so that I can prioritise cases that need to be actioned more effectively.
  • As a developer, I want to:
    • Reuse a single Accounts microservice so that development efforts can be focused on other requirements.
    • Ensure data updated, retrieved and inserted is consistent across services and reliable.
    • Have an easy way to retrieve any data related to an account so that I don’t need to make additional calls to find references for related systems.

Data Meetup Outcome

Accounts workshop -

Endpoints to be created

  1. GET //accounts?targetId=[targetId]&type=[accountType]

    Function: Gets a collection of accounts for a person or organisation

    Response Payload:

    "id": "74c5fbc4-2fc8-40dc-896a-0cfa671fc832",
    “paymentReference”: “[to confirm format]”,
    “parentAccount”:”[id of the master account]”,
    “targetType”: “Tenure”,
    "targetId": "123456",
    “accountType”: “Recharge, Sundry, Master, etc”,
    “rentGroupType”: “Major Works, etc”,
    “agreementType”: “M, R, S, X”,
    "accountBalance": 317.54,
    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "startDate": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "endDate": "2015-07-20",
    "accountStatus": "active",
    "consolidatedCharges": [
    "type": "rent",
    "type": "service charges",
    "tenure": {
    "tenancyId": 31254,
    "tenancyType": "",
    “fullAddress”,”1 Hillman Street, Hackney, E8 1DY”
  2. GET /accounts/arrears?type=[accountType]&sort=[propertyName]&direction=[asc/desc]&resultsCount=[number of items]

    Function: Gets a collection of accounts that are in arrears

    Response Payload:

    "id": "74c5fbc4-2fc8-40dc-896a-0cfa671fc832",
    “paymentReference”: “[to confirm format]”,
    “parentAccount”:”[id of the master account]”,
    “targetType”: “Tenure”,
    "targetId": "123456",
    “accountType”: “Recharge, Sundry, Master, etc”,
    “rentGroupType”: “Major Works, etc”,
    “agreementType”: “”,
    "accountBalance": 317.54,
    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "startDate": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "endDate": "2015-07-20",
    "accountStatus": "active",
    "consolidatedCharges": [
    "type": "rent",
    "type": "service charges",
    } ],
    "tenure": {
    "tenancyId": 31254,
    "tenancyType": "",
    “fullAddress”,”1 Hillman Street, Hackney, E8 1DY”
  3. GET /accounts/[id]

    Function: Gets a single account record from the supplied id

    **Response Payload: **

    "id": "74c5fbc4-2fc8-40dc-896a-0cfa671fc832",
    “paymentReference”: “[to confirm format]”,
    “parentAccount”:”[id of the master account]”,
    “targetType”: “Tenure”,
    "targetId": "123456",
    “accountType”: “Recharge, Sundry, Master, etc”,
    “rentGroupType”: “Major Works, etc”,
    “agreementType”: “”,
    "accountBalance": 317.54,
    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "startDate": "2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z",
    "endDate": "2015-07-20",
    "accountStatus": "active",
    "consolidatedCharges": [
    "type": "rent",
    "type": "service charges",
    } ],
    "tenure": {
    "tenancyId": 31254,
    "tenancyType": "",
    “fullAddress”,”1 Hillman Street, Hackney, E8 1DY”
  4. POST /accounts

    Function: Creates a new account for a person

    Request Payload:

    “TargetType”: “Tenure, Licensing, HousingBenefit”,
    “TargetId”: 123456, //id of target entity, e.g. tenure record
    “accountType”: “Recharge, Master, etc”,
    “rentGroupType”: “Major Works, etc”,
    “StartDate”: “2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z”,
    “AccountStatus”: “active”

    Response Payload:

    "id": "74c5fbc4-2fc8-40dc-896a-0cfa671fc832",
    “paymentReference”: “[to confirm format]”,
    “parentAccount”:”[id of the master account]”,
    “TargetId”: 123456, //id of target entity, e.g. tenure record
    “TargetType”: “Tenure, Licensing, HousingBenefit”,
    “AccountBalance”: 0,
    “StartDate”: “2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z”,
    “EndDate”: null,
    “AccountStatus”: “active”
  5. PATCH /accounts/[id]

    Function: Updates a person’s account details

    Request Payload:

    “AccountBalance”: “10.00”,
    “StartDate”: “2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z”,
    “EndDate”: “2021-03-29T15:10:37.471Z”,
    “AccountStatus”: “active”,
    “accountType”: “Recharge, Master, etc”,
    “rentGroupType”: “Major Works, etc”,
    "consolidatedCharges": [
    "type": "rent",
    "type": "service charges",
    "tenure": {
    "tenancyId": 31254,
    "tenancyType": "",
    “fullAddress”,”1 Hillman Street, Hackney, E8 1DY”

Properties/Column Mappings

The following db columns have been identified as common and useful in the context of an account.

NameTypeTable Field NameDescription
IdUUIDidA unique id in the database
TargetIdStringtarget_idA reference to the person holding this account
TargetTypeStringtarget_typeReferenced from the collection of target types sub table
AccountTypeStringaccount_typeThe type of account, eg Recharge, Sundry, Master
RentGroupTypeStringrent_group_typeEg MajorWorks
AccountBalanceNumberaccount_balanceThe current balance of the account (calculated based on activity on the account such as charges, payments, etc)
PaymentReferenceString/Varcharpayment_referenceA user friendly reference for an account (calculated - Ibrahim has the formula)
CreatedDateTimeStampcreated_dateThe date the account was created
CreatedByStringcreated_byThe user who created the record
LastUpdatedByStringlast_updated_byThe last user who updated the record
LastUpdatedDateTimeStamplast_updatedWhen last the account record was updated
StartDateTimeStampstart_dateDate the account was opened
EndDateTimeStampend_dateDate the account was closed
EndReasonCodeStringend_reason_codeThe reason for the account ending
ConsolidatedChargesObjectconsolidated_chargesSee breakdown of consolidated charges
AccountStatusStringaccount_statusActive, suspended or ended

Target Types

NameTypeTable Field NameDescription
IdUUIDidA unique id in the database
TargetTypeStringtarget_typeThe type of the target
PolarityStringpolarityDetermine whether or not a positive amount is a payment to someone or a payment from someone.

Consolidated Charges

NameTypeTable Field NameDescription
TypeStringThe type of charge/s
FrequencyStringHow often the charge/s get applied
AmountNumberThe consolidated charge amount

Other considerations

  • How do we reflect positive and negative activities on an account?
  • Do we need to supply an account balance at a specific date? - Let’s not do this.
  • Do we want to have a further breakdown within this API of what makes up an account balance?

Dependent Entities

  • Tenants & Leaseholders
  • Income Services
  • Revenue & Benefits

Component Architecture

Accounts API component architecture

Event Driven Architecture

Accounts API event driven architecture