Notifications API
To identify all information to be captured with regards to the Notifications domain. For the purpose of this specification a notification is defined as a means of notifying a user (tenant, officer, etc) that an event has occurred that is relevant to them.
To provide a tool to allow email and text message confirmations to be sent to Hackney residents, businesses and other clients.
- Email notifications - Email notifications will be sent to the email address supplied in the request (email templates, personalisation, etc required)
- Text message notifications - Text message notifications will be sent to the number supplied in the request (text message template, personalisation, etc required).
- Send Letters (Pending) - Letters will be sent to the address specified in the request.
- Facilitate the display of notifications on screen (eg, lists, notification count badges, Google Chrome popup)
- Facilitate sending letters (template, personalisation, etc required)
- Certain notifications would require follow-on actions. Be able to identify those and provide navigation to the follow on action. For example if a resident receives a notification (email or text) for a survey there should be a link to the survey in the notification.
- A single, centralized data source, holding all the notification data for possible services authorization.
- A reusable microservice API used for managing notification data.
- Avoidance of any duplication of data, a normalised view and consistency across the board. Reducing development costs across all streams/domains.
User Needs
- As a service user I would like to receive email notifications so that I am confident that my request has been actioned.
- As a service user I would like to receive text message notifications so that I am confident that my request has been actioned.
- As a service user I would like to receive written letters so that I can be confident that my request has been actioned. I can take necessary action
- As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of missed Service Charge payments so I can take necessary action
- As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of Estimates to be approved via a Notifications screen and be able to confirm I have seen it via a pop-up so there is an audit that I have seen the notification and take necessary action.
- As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of Actuals to be approved and be able to confirm I have seen it via a pop-up so there is an audit that I have seen the notification and take necessary action.
- As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of a newly added property so I can ensure that the relevant charges are applied. 8 .As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of a newly added tenure so that I can ensure that the appropriate tenure charges are applied.
- As a member of the Finance team, I want to be notified of a pending Suspense Account transfer and be able to confirm I have seen it via a pop-up so there is an audit that I have seen the notification and take necessary action.
- As a repairs manager, I want to be notified of a work order pending variation approval, so I know to approve it.
- As a repairs contractor, I want to be notified when a work order is approved, so I know to proceed with the work
- As a DLO supervisor, I want to be notified when a work order requires follow on work, so I know to raise a new work order
- As an RCC supervisor, I want to be notified of a high cost authorisation pending approval, so I know to approve it.
- As a resident, I want to be informed when a communal component (e.g lifts, boilers) goes out of service and its repair status
- As a resident, I want to be reminded when a visit is due to take place to ensure I’m at home
- As a resident, I want to be notified that a satisfaction survey is available at the end of certain activities (e.g. repair, gas servicing, new tenancy created)
- As a resident, I want to be notified when a work team cannot access my property, so I know to make it accessible*
- As a Finance team/Repairs Team, I want to be notified when a property is involved in a legal disrepair action
- As a Finance officer, I want to be notified that there is court action underway,
- As a Finance officer, I want to be notified if an account is paid off so that the case can be closed
- As an officer , I want to be notified of the death of a tenant so that due process may apply.
- As a Tenant/Leaseholder I want to be notified/reminded of process activities that require my attention to completed so that i can take the necessary action.
- All workstreams: I want to be notified when I am due to make a visit so that I can schedule a visit,
- As a housing officer, I want to be notified when a new cautionary contact record is entered for the property if I’m due to visit that property so that I can take the necessary precautions.
- As an officer/Manager, I want to be notified when certain thresholds are passed within processes (e.g. no update to a housing management process in 2 weeks),as well as presenting this in the work tray, so that I can be kept updated without visiting the worktray.
- As a housing officer, I want to be notified that a household has a member who is subject to cautionary contact so I can take the necessary precautions.
- As a Developer, I would like to be able to receive and save the notification information to DB,
- As a Developer I would like to display all notification request
- As a Developer I would like to update the record with user actions.
- As a Developer I would like to send feedback to the relevant service that sent the notification.
- As a developer, I want to have an interface to manage sending notifications so that I can focus on implementing my code and not worry about how to handle customer notifications.
Endpoints to be created
POST /notifications
Function: Creates a notification and sends via Gov Uk Notify
Request Payload:
“notificationType”:”Screen,Email, Text, Letter”,
“message”: “3 missed service charge payments have exceeded the tolerance period”,
“serviceKey” : “sample-15f6815b-....”, // required except for screen notifications
“templateId” : “c6a75cc9-1193-...” // required except for screen notifications
“mobileNumber”:”0123 456 7890”, // required if notificationType is Text
“email”:””, // required if notificationType is Email
"personalisationParams": // dynamic but must match the template requirements on gov notify
"name": "value",
"name": "value",
“firstName” : “Joe”,
“lastName” : ”Bloggs”,
“addressLine1” : ””, // at least 3 address lines are required
“addressLine2” : ””,
“addressLine3” : ””,
“addressLine4” : ””,
“addressLine5” : ””,
“addressLine6” : ””,
“addressLine7” : ””
“requireAction”: “true”,
“requireEmailNotification”: false,
“requireSmsNotification”: false,
“requireLetter”: false
} -
GET /notifications?notificationType=[Screen, Email, Text]&targetId=[targetId]
Function: Gets a set of notifications for a particular channel (eg. screen) and target type
Response Payload:
"id": "2adbbec5-cf23-414d-beb3-e6d07968e7b9",
"targetId": "Ida1029365-62b1-42e4-b71f-3793ac6ea48f",
"targetType": "FailedDirectDebits",
"notificationType": "Screen",
"user": null,
"message": "Direct Debit failed",
"serviceKey": null,
"templateId": null,
"mobileNumber": "09887673562",
"email": "",
"requireAction": false,
"requireEmailNotification": false,
"requireSmsNotification": false,
"requireLetter": false,
"isReadStatus": false,
"sentMessageDetails": null,
"actionNote": null,
"performedActionDoneBy": null,
"performedActionType": null,
"isRemovable": true,
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"city": "city"
"performedActionDate": null,
"createdDate": "2021-11-12T10:19:45.6224673Z"
] -
GET /message-status/[service]/[notificationId] Function: Gets the status of a message sent within the retention period (7 days) Response Payload
"id": "76ebfdb5-c4d6-41a4-974b-67daf74028e3",
"completedAt": "2021-11-12T17:27:47.917033Z",
"emailAddress": "",
"body": "Message",
"subject": "Welcome",
"line1": null,
"line2": null,
"line3": null,
"line4": null,
"line5": null,
"line6": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"postage": null,
"reference": null,
"sentAt": "2021-11-12T17:27:47.869406Z",
"status": "delivered",
"type": "email",
"createdByName": null,
"id": "9500a44b-8a7f-4fff-a3b8-45763f84874e",
"path": "",
"version": 1
} -
PATCH /notifications/[id] Function: Updates the action details of a notification Request Payload:
“actionType”: “Initiated, Approved, Validate, Rejected, IsRead”,
} -
DELETE /notifications/[id] Function: Deletes the specified notification
Other considerations
- General consideration for how we treat personal information included in processes that were not completed/orphaned.
- Some sort of service governance API to check when systems don’t meet specified guidelines and use the notifications service for example to alert users.
- We should consider throttling this service to prevent spamming.
- Include sending emails with attachments
- Additional considerations on how documents should be managed.
- Build PDFs that will then be sent to Notify
- Arrange for those PDFs to be stored - e.g. in the Document Store
- Return the Document Store UID to be recorded against the appropriate record (the same as the content emails and SMSs)
Dependent Entities
- Tenants & Leaseholders
- Income Services
- Revenue & Benefits