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Basic Time Series helpers

These are the helpers which are going to be useful regardless of the model you want to use

Data Reshaping

For simple Time Series forecasting, you generally want a dataframe or series with just the metric and the date in the index, evenly spaced apart

For example, The count of records (Metric) in each month (Date)

We have a helper function which can help you transform your data into this format

from scripts.helpers.time_series_helpers import reshape_time_series_data
def reshape_time_series_data(
pdf: ps.DataFrame,
date_col: str,
var_cols: list,
dateformat: str

returns ps.DataFrame
  • pdf: Your Dataframe
  • date_col: The name of the date column, this will be converted into the index
  • var_cols: The name of the metrics you want to use, in a list. A lot of the time you only want a single metric
  • dateformat: Format of your date. For example YYYY/MM/DD would be %Y/%m%d

Usage Example

Lets say you have a dataframe, with various metric columns but you wanted to just keep one of them, in particular the one called total_call_time

reshaped_df = reshape_time_series_data(pdf,"date",["total_call_time"], "%Y/%M/%d")

Finding Start and End Date

Some forecast functions will need a start and end date. If you need to quickly find these out from your data and the amount of prediction points, we have a function for that

from scripts.helpers.time_series_helpers import reshape_time_series_data
def get_start_end_date(
dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
period: str,
forecast_count: int

returns start_date date,end_date date

So an example of calling this would be

start_date, end_date = get_start_end_date(df,"M",12)

If the final date in the index of DF is "01/12/2022"

start_date = "01/01/2023"

end_date = "01/12/2023"

Making Train Test subsets by count

When evaluating models, we use something called Train Test as a testing methodology

Why would we want to do this?

This function will split your data into 2 parts for this purpose

from scripts.helpers.time_series_helpers import get_train_test_subsets
def get_train_test_subsets(
time_series: ps.DataFrame,
periods: int):


Usage Example

train, test = get_train_test_subsets(pdf,6)

If pdf is of length 10, train will be of length 4 and test will be of length 6 If pdf is of length 100, train will be of length 94 and test will be of length 6