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Before you begin DAP⇨flow


1. Are you using your Hackney Council Google Account?

You’ll always need to be logged into your Hackney Council Google account via your web browser when following the DAP⇨flow onboarding guides.

2. Is your [service]’s data now available on the Data Analytics Platform (DAP)?

If your [service] manager or the DAP Platform Team have not already informed you about this, please visit the 📊Data Analyst Community Google Chat Space to ask the question there. Someone from the team should be able to help you, and if your [service]’s data isn't available right now, this might be planned for near future.

3. You must be added to your [service access group]'s Google Group

Depending on your circumstance there are various ways that could happen:

  • If your [service] manager (or representative) also manages your [service access group] then you can ask them to add you. That is the quick and easy way.

  • Otherwise, when DAP⇨flow access is requested via any other means the DAP Platform Team must interact with your manager before they can add you, for example:

4. Access granted

Fig. 4 Fig. 4

You should receive an email, similar to fig.4 above, which will confirm the actual name of the Google Group you were added to. So henceforth in the 📚Onboarding articles, wherever you read [service access group] you should interpret that to be the Google Group named in that email.

You will then be be granted:

👉 Access to the Hackney Council AWS Console

Please allow a couple of hours for the access permission to propagate to Hackney Council AWS Console

👉 Access to the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline Google Chat Space

All members of the [service access group] with access to DAP⇨flow are now automatically members of this Google Chat Space. This is where you will interact with the DAP Platform Team when you need help, encounter a problem or need to chase a request while performing some task.

5. Welcome!

Please take some time to go and introduce yourself on the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline!

To get you started on your DAP⇨flow journey and enable effective use of the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding documentation, you will need certain information in the form of Service Terms[] defined for your [service]'s implementation. The next onboarding article will guide you through that:

👉 DAP⇨flow📚Welcome

Please note your [service access group] named in the email because you will need that correctly access information you will need.

"Weyour feedback!"


  • Your feedback enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service.

  • We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.

  • We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.

    Please use this link to help us understand your user experience!

📚UX Criteria

  • Hackney Google Workspace user
  • Hackney [service] Data Analyst

Before you begin DAP⇨flow

Measures the DAP Platform & DAP Platform Team behaviors and the agency of the [service] manager:

Given my [service] was already set up as a DAP department
~and I have a Hackney Council Google account

When my [service]manager (or representative) adds my name to the [service access group]
~or my [service]manager authorizes the DAP Platform Team to add my name to the [service access group] as requested

Then I will recieve an email confirming the actual name of the [service access group] I was added to
~and I will be granted access to the Hackney Council AWS Console
~and I will be granted membership of ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline Google Chat Space
~and I can be welcomed to DAP⇨flow

Scale of 4 to 5 ~and / ~or flow features.