📚User eXperience criteria​
The links below will take you directly to the 📚UX
criteria within each of the DAP⇨flow onboarding guides.
Before you begin​
What must happen before I can begin DAP⇨flow?
What are my Service Terms[]
AWS Console access​
How will I access the AWS Management Console?
AWS region​
How will I ensure I am in the correct AWS region?
Amazon Athena​
How will I use Amazon Athena to access my database?
My current service data​
How will I access my [service]
's current data from Amazon Athena?
My service data history​
How will I access my [service]
's data history from Amazon Athena?
Query my service data​
How will I query and analyze my [service]
's data with Amazon Athena?
Prototype simple transforms​
How can I use Amazon Athena to prototype a simple table-join data transformation?
Prototype legacy transforms​
How do I use Amazon Athena to prototype a data transformation from my [legacy SQL query]
GitHub access​
How do I set up my GitHub access for DAP⇨flow?
GitHub branching​
How do I create [transform branch]
as my new working branch of DAP⇨flow's repository?
Committing transforms​
How do I commit my working [transform SQL]
to DAP⇨flow's repository?
GitHub pull requests​
How do I raise a "pull request" to merge my [transform branch]
into the main
trunk of the DAP⇨flow repository?
📚Coming soon...​
The following guides are due for completion.
Merging branches​
How do i complete the merge of [transform branch]
into the main trunk of DAP⇨flow's repository?
How will I access my data transforms using Airflow on the web?
Adding tables to the raw-zone​
How do i add a new table ingestion to my [service raw-zone]