Welcome to DAP⇨flow!
1. Have you been added to your [service access group]
Google Group?
Check here if you are not certain about that:
If you're certain you've been added and you know your [service access group]
name then please proceed.
2. Open your [service access group]
Google Drive subfolder
👉 Open the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding Google Drive folder in your web browser.
👉 Next, open the subfolder bearing the name of your [service access group]
👉 In there, you will find a document called "welcome". Please open it!
Fig. 2
The following REMINDER box appears throughout the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding documentation to remind you where to find the welcome document in case you want to be reminded of your Service Terms[]
👉 Your Service Terms[]
are defined in the welcome document stored in your [service access group]
Google Drive subfolder.
3. Review your Service Terms[]
Your Service's "welcome" document provides you with the necessary translations for the Service Terms[]
used throughout the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding documentation, ensuring you are directed to the appropriate places while using the Hackney Council AWS Console or the LBHackney-IT/dap-airflow GitHub repository.
The Service Terms[]
defined include:
[service access group]
[service workgroup]
[service role]
[service raw zone]
[service refined zone]
[service trusted zone]
[service database]
[service dags]
"We ♡ your feedback!"
👉 Please use this link ► DAP⇨flow UX
Feedback / welcome
Your feedback enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service.
We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.
We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.
☝ Please use this link to help us understand your user experience!
- Hackney Google Workspace user
- Hackney
Data Analyst
Welcome to DAP⇨flow!
Measures the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding documentation behavior:
Given my name was added to the my [service access group]
When I open the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding Google Drive folder in my web browser
~and open the subfolder bearing the name of my [service access group]
~and there, open the document called "welcome"
Then that "welcome" document will define the Service Terms[]
I need while using the DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding documentation, ensuring I am directed to all the right places when using the Hackney Council AWS Console and the LBHackney-IT/dap-airflow GitHub repository
~and those definitions will include:
[service access group]
[service workgroup]
[service role]
[service raw zone]
[service refined zone]
[service trusted zone]
[service database]
[service dags]
Scale of 3 ~and flow features.